Mozilla has blocked execution of all inline scripts and potentially dangerous eval-like functions for built-in "about: pages", in an effort…
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is talking about the “post-cookie” web world and proposes a digital token technology instead of cookies. IAB is…
After exposing CEO's account, private tweets, passwords, and personal data for hundreds of thousands of users, Twitter admitted a new security problem.…
Indian users were third most exposed to Formjacking attacks, after those from US and Australia, according to a recent survey…
A former Yahoo software engineer admitted in court that he had hacked the accounts of thousands of users. Reyes Daniel…
The congressional antitrust investigators are concerned that Google's new Internet Protocol might give the company an unjust competitive advantage, according…
Google only has to remove links from the search results only in Europe, after a request. This is the verdict…
27 countries signed pledge to clean up the cyberspace that became the digital equivalent of the old Wild West, in…
Facebook announced it suspended tens of thousands of apps, as a result of its App Developer Investigation, following the Cambridge…
Google removed two extensions from the Chrome Web Store. The fully functional ad blockers were caught trying do deceive users by…