
New custom malware attack from the Russian hackers

Malware is the tool that a new ransomware group – OldGremlin, uses in its ransomware attacks. They target mainly large…

4 years ago

Coronavirus campaigns bring Emotet

Coronavirus campaigns strike Japan. A rash of malicious emails, botnet-driven, is using coronavirus as a theme. The announcement came from…

4 years ago

Malware hits Euro Cup and Olympics Ticket Reseller

 JavaScript that steals payment card data hit a re-seller of tickets for Euro Cup and Olympics. The code survived for…

4 years ago

Increasing phishing and malware threats until 2025

Rising cases of phishing and malware threats in organizations might propel the growth, although the global Cyber Security Market would…

4 years ago

Star Wars scam spreads malware

A Star Wars scam became a bait to spread malware. Thus, cybercriminals lure users into downloading malware. In exchange, the…

4 years ago

Climate-change activist, the lure in a malware campaign

Greta Thunberg, the climate-change activist, became the lure in a massive global malware campaign. Cybercriminals took advantage of the celebrity…

4 years ago

Christmas-themed phishing at work

Christmas-themed phishing lures hit users' emails from spammers behind Emotet. According to researchers, Cofense Labs discovered the phishing emails. The…

4 years ago

Malware campaign mining for Monero

Researchers discovered a new malware campaign mining for Monero. This is a cryptocurrency and the campaign deploys miner on Windows…

4 years ago

Romanian hackers infected 400,000 victims

Two Romanian hackers infected 400,000 victims with malware and have been sentenced to jailtime. The malware stole credentials and financial…

4 years ago

Facebook, hit by Chinese ad fraud

The social media giant sued a Chinese company which infiltrated Facebook for ad fraud. Mark Zuckerberg's company claims that the…

4 years ago