Vpnmentor discovered over 1TB of customer data leaked from a huge online retailer. Researchers found the breach in the security of LigthInTheBox – a Chinese online retailer with a significant North American fan base.
Researchers managed to gain access to a database containing over 1 TB of customers data, meaning daily logs. These total up over 1.5 billion records.
The leak compromised the security of customers all around the world. Also, researchers accessed data from subsidiary sites, such as MiniInTheBox.com.
“Our team was able to access this database because it was completely unsecured and unencrypted,” researchers mentioned.
Vpnmentor notified the vendor of the breach on November 24. The owner closed it shortly after, although it did not reply.
LightInTheBox sells clothing, different items for the home and garden, but also clothing, accessories and gadgets. Most of the 12 million monthly visitors are based in North America and Europe.
Although it closed the breach, the company has not provided any specific details about their data security and storage practices. Also, it has not made public any of the measures they may take to protect their customers’ data.
“The data breach affected customers around the world, with entries from many of their international sites, and in numerous languages,” Vpnmentor researchers rote.
Additional risks
The security specialists disclosed that the over 1TB of customer data leak exposed email addresses, users’ IP addresses, countries of residence, and the destination pages. Also, the recordings of the online activity of users on the vendor’s website.
“This data breach represents a major lapse in LightInTheBox’s data security. While this data leak doesn’t expose critical user data, some basic security measures were not taken,” mentioned researchers.
Also, they warned that a leak of this nature could put customers at risk. They could become the victims of crimes far more disturbing than online fraud.
“With a website user’s IP address, we were able to identify their city of residence. If a criminal hacker had access to this, along with the other data exposed, they could trick a victim into revealing their home address, and target them for theft and home robbery,” researchers warned.