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Parenting opens up a new chapter in a person’s life, where everything is enthralling yet confusing! Just like no fear can diminish a bride’s happy glow, no affirmation can console a new parent’s distress over insignificant matters.
In reality, being a parent is not as daunting if you wrap your head around it! Ewan McGregor stated that there is no parenting guide, which makes parenting so arduous.
But we, with the help of quotes, can get insight on what lies on the path of the fantastic journey of parenthood! And also, how we can traverse through it unscathed!
20 Insightful Quotes about parenting – A privilege with responsibilities
1) Too much love never spoils a child; he/she becomes spoiled when we substitute “presents” for “presence.”
– Anthony Witham
No number of worldly belongings can become a substitute for parents’ time in a child’s life. Around us, we can find numerous examples that the children who’re bereft of their parents’ attention can become engaged to some nasty activities.
2) Be in your children’s lives today, if you want to be in their memories tomorrow
– Anonymous
Needless to say, the parents’ presence plays a significant role in a child’s overall development. Unless you are there for your children in their formative years, you cannot expect them to be there for you in your retreating years.
3) The greatest gift a parent can give a child is self-confidence.”
– Stewart Stafford
Confidence is an important key to success, seeds of which are found in the roots of childhood. When a parent shows assurance in a child’s judgemental-power, decision-making capabilities, a child grows to be a confident adult.
4) There is nothing worse than a man that can be everything to everybody else except a father to their own child.
– Anonymous
Some parents invest most of their time running after careers or other distractions. They can’t be there for their children in an hour of need. You have to set your priority list, with your children enjoying the highest rank.
5) Parenting is not a contest for perfectionism.
– Andrew Solomon
To expect perfection from any person for any criteria is merely impractical. Parents also should not carry this unrealistic burden over their shoulders.
6) Children need to grow up in an environment of safety, acceptance, and warmth; they are extremely vulnerable to rejection, criticism, and anger.”
– Dr. James Dobson
Children, who grow in a forgiving, relaxed environment turn out to be compassionate human beings.
7) The way we talk to our children and treat them, develop their conscience.
– Peggy O’Mara
Parents, frustrated by external circumstances, pour out all the negative reactions on helpless children. Their minor fault is scrutinized under a microscope, and parents make a hill out of a molehill.
8) Some of the most important things you can communicate to a child are that: feelings are okay, mistakes are fixable, and there’s nothing they could do that would push you away or make you love them less.
Behavior is not perfect; it is communication. Embrace the imperfect and show children that they are worth holding close to your heart. No matter what.
– Kelly Bartlett
9) If you’re completely exhausted and don’t know how you’re going to keep giving this much of yourself day after day, you’re probably a good parent.
– Bunmi Laditan
Parents often tend to doubt their raising prowess. It is okay to feel lost at times, what we need to keep in mind is – the exasperation should not be directed towards children unnecessarily.
10) You’ve never been a parent if your child has never hated you.
– Anonymous
A mature relationship does not allow a difference of opinion to affect the peaceful environment of the home. It is okay if sometimes the child hates you for being strict. Parents should not get heated; instead, make them realize why you are asking them to behave in a certain way.
11) You should not worry if your children never listen to you, fear that they are always watching you.
– Robert Fulghum
As the old proverb implicates, ‘action speaks louder than words.’ Your actions should not contradict your teaching. Let your child not get confused.
12) There are only two lasting bequeaths we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, and the other is wings.
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Children need to have freedom and trust to develop their characters. As they say, the foundation of the building must be strong. Don’t you think the same can apply to children?
13) If you’re struggling with kids who have a bad attitude with you, remember that YOU are their safe space. You are their mental dumping ground. You are where they feel most comfortable showing vulnerability, frustration, anger, and sadness. Armor up for them, stay strong and fight the battles together.
– Anonymous
Children are not statues, who’d smile all the time. They also have their moments of tantrums and mood swings. What’s more, they have the right to express that.
14) Quite often, children are punished for being human. Children are not allowed to have grumpy moods, lousy attitude, disrespectful tones, or bad days, yet we adults have them all the time. None of us are perfect, and we must stop holding children to a higher standard of perfection that even we cannot attain ourselves.
– Anonymous
Children should never be pressurized or compared unnecessarily with another person. Remember, every child is unique and comes with their own set of virtues and interests.
15) Parents must teach young people early on that there are beauty and strength in diversity.
– Maya Angelou
Parents, when blinded by the constricted vision of their race, religion, or culture, fail to show the beauty of diversity to their children.
16) Good parents hardly parent; they let their kids learn, fail, and grow without intervention.”
– Trevor Carss
Parents should remember that making mistakes is the only way to gain rich experience and learn, of course!
17) A parent who believes, fashions a child who believes in himself.
– Matthew Jacobson
Everyone, including adults, need external validation from time to time. When parents show trust in a child’s skills, the child’s self-assurance soars higher.
18) A relationship that lacks trust is nothing less than a phone without service; you cannot do anything but play games.
– Anonymous
A relationship without trust is like a body without a soul. Sometimes without realizing parents condemn the child saying, he/she would not be able to carry out a particular task.
19) These days, capturing moments using our phones is far more important than living these moments with the person who’s beside us.
– Anonymous
Parents, immersed in their smartphones, tend to pay less attention to the child. Everything has come down to ‘show-off’ rather than being in the moment and enjoying the moments with near ones.
20) Unfortunately, these days, phone batteries are long-lasting than relationships.
– Anonymous
Effective communication is a crucial part of nurturing any relationship. But when two individuals are captivated more by the devices than the persons who should matter, then the relationships suffer the most.
A celebrated Canadian American comedian Jim Carrey once exulted, “I got a lot of support from my parents, which I always appreciated. They never told me I was stupid; instead, they said, I was funny.” It says a lot about a parent-child relationship that fosters a positive attitude in a child’s life, pronouncing success!
Remember, your phone has already replaced your watch, camera, calendar, and an alarm clock. Do not let it have the privilege of replacing your family. If you ever find your child being addicted to smartphones, use Bit Guardian Parental Control, which is the best child monitoring app for android.
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