Is raising independent children an outrageous idea? Are today’s parents ready for a free-range parenting style? Will kid tracker apps aid free-range parenting? Let’s find out!
Why is Free-Range Parenting an Outrageous Style?
Every child is comfortable in the arms of their affectionate mother and protective father. However, the child is also eligible to move around freely, to explore the world by making mistakes on the way.
But, the idea of independently roaming around without adult supervision is a big deal for today’s parents. Isn’t it? And you are not wrong if this is the case with you!
Circumstances today are unpredictable and dynamic. And parents prefer to keep an eye on children 24/7.
In a so-called “high-security situation,” proposing ideas of independent kids is a shocking fact for parents.
However, the truth is far from reality. Today’s kids are far more intelligent and smarter to deal with the ups and downs in life.
But parents do not wish to give the remote control to kids, fearing children can take undue advantage of liberty and fall into grave trouble.
The controversial “Free-range parenting” may be a new concept, but in the long run, it will be highly rewarding.
What is Free-Range Parenting?
Free-range parenting is a vague yet strong concept which permits children to learn from their actions and face the consequences when it is safe to do so. This style of parenting does not discourage a parent from getting involved in a child’s life but gives the child the room for handling situations independently and make less risky mistakes.
Letting a child find his way to school or taking the subway ( when they have an idea of the map) are some of the ways to make your child self-sufficient.
However, none of these activities assumes that the child should go into an unexplored ground. Free-range parenting is more than permissive parenting. It encourages the child to take independent steps in known areas.
Although free-range parenting is a controversial childrearing method, yet its benefits are many, let’s find out. But, before we jump into the advantages, let’s get deeper into the free-range parenting law.
Utah Free-Range Parenting Law
In 2018, Utah officially accepted Free-range parenting where it allows children to attain independence and self-reliance by taking up small duties like walk around the neighborhood, cross streets, run to the grocer, do the laundry and other similar tasks, without any assistance.
Utah State Legislature passed the bill unanimously, and it put on effect from 8th May. The law came into existence when several states reported parents for negligence.
Some parents also lost custody of their children. Shocking, right? This law came as a breath of fresh air to make things easy for parents and allow raising self-reliant kids.
Just like the state of Utah, many parents across the globe are absorbing the idea of self-reliant kids. The new age practice does not let parents off their parenting duties but offers a brand new method to empower kids so that they are ready to face challenges of the world.
Appreciated Benefits of Free-range Parenting
There are uncountable advantages of childrearing which conforms to the methods of raising independent kids. More than the benefits, the features of free-range parenting makes the child self-sufficient in many ways.
- Encourage Independence
Independence does not restrict the child to complete household activities. But it offers a free playground to learn emotional and physical freedom.
Reaching a certain psychological maturity is a crucial milestone in free-range parenting. And, a child who is able to conquer these methods in childhood is often the most grateful child in adulthood.
- Fearless parenting
Often, parenting is associated with the fearful reactions of parents. The protective parents are constantly worried about the kid’s safety and encountering an accident.
As a result of which, kids are not permitted to take any risky steps or even participate in a slightly dangerous activity like sports.
A free-range style of parenting has a different view- unless kids are not exposed to a variety of activities, it is difficult to determine the child’s capacity and risk appetite.
And a few risky encounters are essential in life to inform the child that life won’t be a bed of roses.
- Allow outdoor activities
Kid’s fail to learn the tricks of the street unless they step out of the house. Outdoor activities and playing, are of the utmost importance to get a grasp of socializing and networking.
Playing with other kids also induces the feeling of team spirit in life. Every activity a kid performs, outside the house, is a new experience and learning.
- Independence of setting schedule
Many parents also give the liberty to design their time table to finish different tasks in a day. Right from homework to sports, all activities are managed by children in their own time and flexibility.
However, this parenting scheme does not stop a parent’s interference if the child indulges in unhealthy habits like utilizing bedtime for finishing assignments.
- Problem-solving and decision making is left on kids
In a free-range environment, the kid has the authority to make decisions and solve tricky problems.
Even toddlers and pre-teens should be involved in necessary activities like which route will take us home? Or what school bag should you buy? Independently making choices plays a significant role in a kid’s life.
Myths about Free-Range Parenting
Besides the innumerable advantage of free-range parenting style, there are a number of myths which discourage parents from taking a step forward towards implementing the parenting style and turn into helicopter parent (always trailing kids and their activities).
- First, kids are at grave risk of meeting with an accident and getting severely injured. A child can meet with an accident in any case, and a well-groomed child, who has been explained and demonstrated well will always take precautions.
- Second, a child is at risk of getting kidnapped if left alone. Only if the child is kept indoors at all times, then the child can be safe, but honestly, we all know that’s not true.
- Third, Free-range parenting neglects the child at a time when their parents should always be around them. And this will only make the child a spoon feeder for life.
How is Free-Range Parenting Safe? And, What are Parental Control Tools?
The objections of a progressive style of parenting will always stay, however, the challenge is not to abolish such a good practice but bring in solutions to make the practice safer for children.
The smartest way to go about this matter is the introduction of a parental control app on a kid’s phone.
A child monitoring software is a tracking app for parents that offers the location of the child 24/7.
Also, the problem of emergencies is resolved by providing Panic and SOS alert apps that give a button to the child.
Along with tracking and monitoring, these apps have the provision for screening time control, block apps, detect the device, block calls, and many other features for a child’s digital safety. Download the app today!
Remember, parents will not be around all their life. Children need to stand on their two legs and get rid of spoon-feeding. Good habits are built when children are exposed to situations independently. So, encourage free-range parenting and raise independent kids.