Do you have a teenager who owns a smartphone? If yes, you need to learn about the facts and statistics regarding smartphone addiction in teens to let your child safely navigate the often-stressful world of tech.
Teenagers have a complicated relationship with technology. They are using gadgets in schools and at homes to complete the assignments, to manage their social lives through various apps and social media platforms, and for other recreational activities.
Having grown up with devices in hands and being online most of the time, teenagers are at more risk of developing the addiction.
There is no recognized “smartphone addiction” diagnosis, so parents naturally wonder whether a teen’s apparent obsession with a smartphone qualifies as addictive behavior or not.
What is smartphone addiction?
A smartphone can be a hugely productive tool, the same as a tablet or a computer, but its compulsive use can interfere with work, school, and relationships.
When you spend more time playing games or on repeatedly checking texts, emails, or apps, than you do interact with real people, you need to reassess your technology use.
It can be called a smartphone addiction (colloquially known as “nomophobia,”) if you are prey to internet overuse problem despite knowing its negative consequences in your life.
Today’s teens face intense levels of pressure, and they easily get nervous or antsy when they accidentally leave their phones at home. It can be incredibly frustrating to attempt to hold a conversation with your child when they can’t peel their eyes away from their phones.
Let us learn about the signs and symptoms of device addiction in teens to ensure your kid’s safety.
What are the warning signs of teen smartphone addiction?
If your teen repeats any of the following behaviors over and over again, then it could be an indicator of addiction.
- Our teens neglect other activities and constantly text friends or check for incoming texts.
- Children start changing diet and have a significant weight change
- They lose the ability to think rationally and use a cell phone while driving or crossing the street.
- If you notice a remarkable change in sleeping patterns.
- They have frequent mood swings and remain depressed or irritated.
- They stop showing interest in the activities they once found enjoyable.
- If they withdraw themselves from social interaction and activities.
- They have lower self-esteem, remain anxious, and fatigued.
- If their studies get compromised and they have difficulty in paying attention.
- When they keep checking their phones even if it hasn’t rung or vibrated.
- They remain engrossed in playing single-player video games and interactive multi-player games.
- If they continuously worry about cell phone battery life and access to electrical power more than necessary.
What are the consequences of teen smartphone addiction?
- They might develop poor dietary habits; fitness level gets compromised, and they might start either gaining or losing weight.
- Brain connectivity is decreased in parts of the brain that regulate emotions, decision-making, and impulse control.
- Teens might resort to activities such as consuming alcohol and using tobacco.
- They might start remaining aloof and reclusive, showing increased levels of social loneliness.
- They become reckless and have poor decision making.
- Text neck is another possibility, which is neck pain – accelerated by looking down at a cell phone for too long.
- They can have digital eye strain by the constant exposure to the screens.
According to research, texting while driving is as dangerous for kid’s safety as drunk driving.
Statistics of teen cell phone addiction
The facts about teen smartphone use and driving
- 32 percent of teens text while driving and 52 percent of teens talk on a smartphone while driving.
- When driving, 25 percent of teens can’t resist replying to a text.
- 11 teens die every day because of texting while driving, and being distracted by cell phones, 21 percent of teen drivers meet with fatal accidents.
- Teen drivers have a 400 percent more chance of crashing than adults when texting.
Facts about teen smartphone use and bedtime
- 62 percent of teens admit to using their cell phones after bedtime.
- 77 percent of teens revealed about texting and tweeting when they were expected to be asleep.
- 21 percent of teens acknowledge keeping the notifications on during sleeping hours and waking up whenever they receive a text.
- 66 percent of teens confess about not being able to resist mobile despite knowing that it negatively affects their sleep.
Statistics about teen smartphone use and studies
- 67 percent of teachers find that smartphones distract today’s teens most of the time.
- 61 percent of kids believe that smartphone use impacts their school work negatively.
The facts about teen smartphone use and relations
- 77 percent of parents feel their teens easily get distracted by the cell phones that they fail to pay attention to other people at family events.
- Even at the dinner table, 44 percent of teens use their mobile devices.
- 30 percent of teens and parents claim to argue about smartphones daily.
Treatment for teen cell phone addiction
Teen’s device addiction is a behavioral disorder, which has shifted addiction’s landscape, but it can be cured with time, keeping the following points in mind.
- Parents need to structure the usage of smartphones by applying some limitations, boundaries. You can use parental controls to set a screen-time limit on the teen’s device.
- With the help of parental control apps for Android, you must set a bed-time, so a child cannot use any app or do anything with their phones.
- You can make some ‘smartphone usage guide’ and ask everyone to follow it to curb your child’s mobile addiction.
- If boundaries do not work, seeking professional help is an option for saving your teen’s life.
- You can look for healthy alternatives and engaging activities to help your teenagers learn to be comfortable without their mobile devices.
How Bit Guardian can help with your teen’s mobile addiction
Bit Guardian Parental Control is one of the best child monitoring apps, that helps your teen to reduce the stress of constant connection and comparisons and make them free from Internet addiction.
This parental control allows you to set a screen-time limit on your child’s phone; you can block the inappropriate apps, and set a schedule for bed-time and other apps, giving them the healthy access to the technology.
Do not hesitate if you believe addiction to the devices is affecting your teen, you are not alone, more than a third of teens try to reduce the amount of time they spend on their mobile devices, but most do not succeed.
Mobile addiction in teens is a serious issue for the entire family but provided the correct treatment and patience, your teen gets relieved of the cell phone burden, and as a result, they become happier and healthier.
Combat the smartphone addiction, a modern phenomenon, by using the latest technological boon – parental control apps.